Trivia Questions and Answers
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110 Philippines History Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

How much do you know aboutPhilippines History? This category is for trivia questions and answers related toPhilippines History (History). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
Related Questions & Answers: Philippines(Asia)
1 马尼拉的建立再保险背后的情况main unclear. However, it is known that in its early history Manila was ruled from which nearby settlement that is the oldest-known named settlement in the Philippines?

Tondo was a settlement north of the Pasig River. Manila was the settlement on the southern side of the Pasig. Tondo was the dominant city on the island of Luzon and was the primary spot for trade amongst the people of Southeast Asia and Oceania. In 1571 after the Spanish conquered Manila, Manila became the dominant city in the region. Tondo was incorporated into Manila and is known as the Tondo District today.
    Your options:[Macau] [Tondo] [Bohol] [Leyte]
FromQuiz: History of Manila
2 The Rizal family had 11 siblings, of whom Rizal was the seventh. One of his siblings died early and is said to have been Rizal's 'first sorrow'. Who was this sibling?

Concepcion's nickname was Concha. She died at the age of three in 1865.
FromQuiz: The Philipppines' Greatest Hero: Uncovered
3 Between what years did the Orang Dampuans come to the Philippines?
Answer:Between 900 A.D. and 1200 A.D.

They were sailors from Southern Annam, now a part of Vietnam. They traded with people of Sulu called Buranuns.
FromQuiz: Philippine History (4th Grade)
4 The Hispanic Period had started in the Philippines in 1500s. Who was the first Governor of the Philippines?
Answer:Miguel Lopez de Legazpi

In 1572, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi became the first Governor of the Philippines and established a government together with Augustinian and Dominican friars.
FromQuiz: The Philippines under Spanish Rule
5 The First Republic of the Philippines was established during a war. Which one?
Answer:Philippine-American War

Emilio Aguinaldo, the very first Philippine President, ruled from 1898 to 1901 in Malolos, Bulacan. The conflict between the First Republic and the United States of America had started the "Philippine-American War" or also called "Philippine Insurrection". This war had lasted for three years (1899-1902).
    Your options:[Spanish-American War] [Philippine Revolution] [World War I] [Philippine-American War]
FromQuiz: Philippine Government History (The Republic)
6 Who led the longest revolt in the Philippines during the Spanish times?
Answer:Francisco Dagohoy

It lasted for 85 years (1744-1829). Francisco Dagohoy rose in rebellion because a Jesuit priest refused to give his brother, Sagarino, a Christian burial as he had died in a duel.
FromQuiz: Who's Who in Philippine History
7 After the Negritos, what was the second group of people who migrated by sea to the Philippines 3,000 to 8,000 years ago?

The Indonesian people came into two waves. The first one, the 'Indonesians A', became the ancestors of the Ilongot people of the Sierra Madres. Both groups introduced the 'kaingin' system of farming which is still practised today in the forested areas of the Philippines.
FromQuiz: Pre-Colonial Philippine History
8 What was the first book published in the Philippines?
Answer:Doctrina Christiana

This book was published during the Spanish period and contains prayers and some religious acts and beliefs that all Catholics should follow.
FromQuiz: Glimpses at Filipino History
9 She was the first woman member of the Katipunan (July 1893).
Answer:Gregoria de Jes�s

Gregoria de Jesus was the wife of Andres Bonifacio and the founder of the female chapter. Marina Dizon was a cousin of Emilio Jacinto. She lost her mother when she was eight months old. She was also a guitarist and violinist of the Trozo Comparsa Band. Segunda Katigbak was childhood sweetheart of Jose Rizal.
    Your options:[Marina Dizon] [Gregoria de Jes�s] [Segunda Katigbak] [Gabriela Silang]
FromQuiz: Philippines in the Past
10 One of the last Filipino generals who fought the Americans and established the so-called 'Tagalog Republic'
Answer:Macario Sakay

Macario Sakay was seen merely as a bandit by the Americans but documents prove that he had the necessary concept of the Filipino nation to merit being a genuine military leader.
    Your options:[Macario Sakay] [Manuel Tinio] [Miguel Malvar] [Gregorio del Pilar]
FromQuiz: History of the Philippines
11 Who was the first Filipino recording artist?
Answer:Maria Carpena
FromQuiz: Philippine History III
12 What was the occupation of Limahong, a Chinese man who invaded Manila at least twice in the 16th century?

Limahong was a Chinese pirate who failed to capture Manila from the Spanish a few times in his career. The Spanish brought instability to the Philippines after they captured Manila. Not only did the Chinese fight back against new trade restrictions but the Spanish were also dealing with various revolts from different peoples. This led Manila to be open to attacks. The Chinese pirates were aided by the Portuguese who had already captured Spanish territory. However, Limahong was unable to capture Manila. Limahong and his men were slowed by the powerful soldier Martin de Goiti who was killed in the attack. However, de Goiti allowed the Spanish to fortify parts of the city. Although Limahong was not successful, the Chinese did manage to burn down some buildings and weaken the Spanish overall.
FromQuiz: History of Manila
13 Who was credited with naming the Philippines "Felipinas"?
Answer:Ruy Lopez de Villalobos

Ruy Lopez de Villalobos (1500-1544) named the archipelago in honor of Prince Philip of Asturias in 1544.
FromQuiz: Philippine History (4th Grade)
14 For how many years did Spanish rule last in the Philippines?

The Spaniards occupied the Philippines from 1565 to 1898, exactly 333 years. Spanish rule ended after the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1898, which withdrew Spain from the Philippines, Guam, Cuba and Puerto Rico.
FromQuiz: The Philippines under Spanish Rule
15 Who won the first Philippine National Presidential Election?
Answer:Manuel Luis Quezon

The first Philippine President of the Commonwealth and the "Father of the Philippine language", Manuel L. Quezon (1935-1944) was recognized by the US after the Philippines gained self-government in 1916. He won the elections in 1935 against First Republic President Emilio Aguinaldo and Bishop Gregorio Aglipay.
FromQuiz: Philippine Government History (The Republic)
16 Who was the Spanish governor-general who ordered the deportation of Jose Rizal to Dapitan?
Answer:Gov. Gen. Eulogio Despujol

Jose Rizal was deported days after he founded the La Liga Filipina on July 6, 1892. La Liga Filipina, ostensibly a civic association composed of Filipinos that had as its motto 'Unus Instar Omnium' ('One Like All'), was considered by the Spanish authorities as "dangerous".
FromQuiz: Who's Who in Philippine History
17 Foreign influences were evident on most aspects of Filipino culture - the Philippine languages, for example. Now, from which Asian language do these words came from, 'alam', 'hukom', and 'salamat'?

'Alam' means 'know'. 'Hukom' is a judge and 'salamat' means 'thanks'. These words were possibly brought by the Arab merchants and traders who came to the country in the 9th century.
    Your options:[Malayo-Polynesian] [梵文] [Arabic] [Mandarin]
FromQuiz: Pre-Colonial Philippine History
18 Who fought the Spanish government because the government did not give a formal funeral ceremony for his brother?
Answer:Francisco Dagohoy

The ceremony was denied by the frailes (Spanish priest) because the brother of Dagohoy was accused of being an enemy of the Church.
FromQuiz: Glimpses at Filipino History
19 After the death of her husband Andres Bonifacio, Gregoria de Jesus was later married to whom?
Answer:Julio Nakpil

胡里奥Nakpil也是一位爱国者,他命令er of all troops in the north in company with Emilio Jacinto. Julio Nakpil and Gregoria de Jesus were married in the Catholic Church on 10 December 1898 and they had eight children, Juana, Lucia, Juan, Julia, Francisca, Josefina, Mercedes and Caridad.
FromQuiz: Philippines in the Past
20 She is a Filipino heroine. After her husband died, she continued the war against Spain, was caught and hanged.
Answer:Gabriela Silang

Diego and Gabriela Silang took advantage of British occupation of Manila to rise against the Spaniards.
    Your options:[Gabriela Silang] [Leonor Rivera] [Gregoria de Jesus] [Teodora Alonso]
FromQuiz: History of the Philippines
21 Who founded the la Liga Filipina?
Answer:Jose Rizal
FromQuiz: Philippine History III
22 The British Occupation of Manila ended in 1764 with the signing of what treaty the year before?
Answer:Treaty of Paris

The British invaded the Philippines during the Seven Years War or the French and Indian War. Although the war is better known as a fight between Britain and France over North American territories, several European nations soon became involved. The Spanish were still in control of Manila at this time but the British, led by William Draper, invaded and captured the city. The end of the Seven Years War was brought about by the 1763 Treaty of Paris. Manila and the Philippines were not mentioned in the treaty (as the occupation was not yet known in Europe at the time) but were generally considered under the general list of territories that were to be returned to their original owners. The British relented but eventually gave up the Philippines without a major struggle in 1764.
FromQuiz: History of Manila
23 While at the Ateneo, Rizal met his first love. She was a pretty fourteen-year old Batangue�a. Who was she?
Answer:Segunda Katigbak

Rizal described Segunda Katigbak as small and rosy-cheeked, with an enchanting smile.
FromQuiz: The Philipppines' Greatest Hero: Uncovered
24 When did Dr. Jose Rizal die?
Answer:December 30, 1896

He was executed in Bagumbayan, now known as Rizal Park, by the Spaniards for his alleged part in the Philippine Revolution of 1896.
FromQuiz: Philippine History (4th Grade)
25 Raja Lakandula and Raja Sulayman revolted against Governor Guido de Lavezaris, because of the abuses by the Spaniards. What is the revolt called?
Answer:Manila Revolt

The successor to Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, Governor-General Guido Lavezaris, had sequestered all the properties of the Rajahs. The revolt failed because of the loyalty of the Spanish and Filipino troops to the Governor-General.
FromQuiz: The Philippines under Spanish Rule
26 What was the name of the Filipino soldier who led the Cavite Mutiny of 1872?
Answer:Sergeant Lamadrid

Ferdinand La Madrid was a mestizo sergeant who led the mutiny after Spanish authorities subjected his co-soldiers at the Engineering and Artillery Corps to personal taxes from which they had previously been exempted. The taxes obliged them to pay a monetary sum and to do the "polo y servicio" or forced labor! (Source: Wikipedia article on the Cavite Munity).
FromQuiz: Who's Who in Philippine History
27 What is considered the earliest form of writing in the Philippines?

This alphabet, often incorrectly referred to as 'alibata', consists of 17 letters of which three are vowels and fourteen are consonants.
FromQuiz: Pre-Colonial Philippine History
28 During the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, a Filipino president was appointed by the Japanese. Who was he?
Answer:Jose P. Laurel Sr.

It was run by the Japanese and was of course a puppet government.
FromQuiz: Glimpses at Filipino History
29 Who was the last Sultan of Sulu?
Answer:Jamalul Kiram II

Abu Bakr brought Islam to the Philippines and Haji Butu was the first Muslim senator.
FromQuiz: Philippines in the Past
30 Who was the 'Great Dissenter'?
Answer:Claro M. Recto

He was called Great Dissenter because of his uncomprising stand against pro-American policy of R. Magsaysay, the very same man whom he helped to put in power.
FromQuiz: History of the Philippines
31 What is the first word of the 1987 Philippine Constitution?
FromQuiz: Philippine History III
32 The seeds of Filipino Independence were widely regarded to have been first planted in 1887 with the publication of which novel by Jose Rizal?
Answer:Noli Me Tangere

“禁止接触的警告”是菲律宾小说何塞丽l that can be compared to the American novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" for the role it played in those nations' histories. Jose Rizal was an eye doctor from Manila who was angered by the disparate treatment of the Filipino people by the Spanish colonists. His novel "Noli Me Tangere" focuses on a young mestizo man Crisostomo Ibarra and his conflicting thoughts on patriotism, fidelity and revenge. His battle with the local Spanish authorities caused the novel to be banned in the Philippines.

Rizal was fearful about even publishing the novel in the first place as he feared retaliation from the Spanish. The book was originally published by a friend of Rizal's in Berlin in 1887. It was not widely circulated in Manila until 1899 and had only been read in underground circles prior to then. Nonetheless, the book proved to be a catalyst for Filipino Independence.
    Your options:[An Embarrassment of Riches] [Noli Me Tangere] [Luha ng Buwaya] [Pinaglahuan]
FromQuiz: History of Manila
33 When Rizal decided to travel to Europe, specifically Spain, in order to study medicine he also had another aim. What is it?
Answer:To observe European culture

In addition to being a medical student, he observed and studied European culture to prepare himself for the task of liberating his country from the Spaniards.
FromQuiz: The Philipppines' Greatest Hero: Uncovered
34 When was Manuel L. Quezon inaugurated?
Answer:November 15, 1935

He was the first President of the Commonwealth.
FromQuiz: Philippine History (4th Grade)
35 Who wrote the "Kartilla", considered the 'bible' of the Katipunan movement?
Answer:Emilio Jacinto

Jacinto was the adviser on fiscal matters and secretary to Andr�s Bonifacio, the leader of the Katipunan movement. The primer he wrote consisted of 13 teachings which the members of the (Katipunan) were expected to follow. "A life that is not dedicated to a noble cause is like a tree without a shade or a poisonous weed" was one of the 13 teachings. Jacinto was also the editor of the Katipunan newspaper called "Kalayaan", which translates to "Freedom".
FromQuiz: Who's Who in Philippine History
36 Who first introduced the Islamic religion in the Philippines?

Mahdum (or Mudum or Makhdum) was an Arabic scholar who visited the island of Sulu in Mindanao in 1380 converting the natives there to Islam. After his death, Rajah Baginda, a prince, continued propagating the Islamic faith to the people of Sulu first started by Makhdum.
FromQuiz: Pre-Colonial Philippine History
37 What term was used for those women who were used by Japanese soldiers to gratify their lust?
Answer:comfort women

"Comfort Women" was derived from the word 'comfort room' where Japanese soldiers satisfied their lust.
FromQuiz: Glimpses at Filipino History
38 The first woman to top the Philippine BAR Examination.
Answer:Tecla San Andres Ziga

Geronima Pecson was the only person to serve as vice president to two former presidents of the Philippines.
    Your options:[Josefa Diokno] [Tecla San Andres Ziga] [Tina Munoz Palma] [Geronima Pecson]
FromQuiz: Philippines in the Past
39 Who is the former Senate President who came from Abra?
Answer:Quintin Paredes

Quintin Paredes, a former Speaker and Senate President, is known for his stint as a US Resident-Commisioner.
FromQuiz: History of the Philippines
40 Who was the first Miss Philippines?
Answer:Evangeline Castro
FromQuiz: Philippine History III
The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
Philippines History Quizzes
