Trivia Questions and Answers

33 Empire of the Sun Trivia Questions & Answers

Empire of the Sun
This category is for trivia questions and answers related toEmpire of the Sun, as asked by users of

There are 33 questions on this topic. Last updatedJan 17 2023.
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1 Who does Jim think will win the war?
Answer:The Japanese

Jim says that the Japanese will win because they have better planes and bravier pilots.
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When Jamie gets chased by the street kid, what does he steal from Jamie?

2 In what year does the movie begin?

In 1941, China and Japan had been in a state of undeclared war for four years.
3 When Jim and the others are sent to the Soochow Internment Camp, what are they forced to help build?
Answer:an airfield

The proud and proper British get a real wake-up call in this environment.
4 Who directed "Empire of the Sun"?
Answer:Steven Spielberg

This is such a classic Spielberg movie with the moving story, cinematography, bold spirt, inspired performances and uplifting music.
5 When Jim arrives at the camp and sees the Japanese planes and goes over to one of the planes and hugs it, what happens next?
Answer:Jim comes face to face with three pilots and salutes.

This is such a moving moment in the film with him being allowed to take a minute and just embrace something he has so much respect for. It is so beautifully filmed and the music lifts you up.
6 Who played Jamie Graham?
Answer:Christian Bale

He definitely should have gotten a special Best Actor Oscar for his performance. Brilliant!
7 Who composed the musical score?
Answer:John Williams

A prime example of the wonderful blending of music and film.
8 Who invaded Shanghai?
Answer:The Japanese

If the Grahams knew that the Japanese would be invading Shanghai eventually, why did they wait so long to leave?
9 In the sequence when you see Jim running all of his errands at the camp, what year appears on the screen?

This means that Jim was at least held prisoner for four years, which is a very long time relative to Jim's youth.
10 What school did Jamie attend?
Answer:The Cathedral School

Jamie lives such a sheltered way of life. Going to a school with other British kids, singing in a choir, playing with toy airplanes, listening to his mother play piano and watching his dad chip golf balls over their pool.
11 What does Jim steal from the sergeant to give to Basie?
Answer:a bar of soap

He drops off a pair of shined shoes to the sergeant and steals the soap in two swift moves. He also gives Basie a tomato.
12 What street do the Grahams live on?
Answer:Amhurst Avenue

The Grahams lived at 13 Amhurst Avenue. An avenue of white pianos and crystal chandeliers, but not for long.
13 When Jim goes over the barbed wire to set the pheasant traps for Basie for Thanksgiving, what does Basie call Jim?
Answer:a black cat

Everybody is betting that Jim will be caught but as Basie puts it, Jim's a black cat. Basie believes that Jim will not only set the traps but get out of there without getting shot, and he's right. In addition, what Basie really wanted to know is whether or not there were mines in the field, but of course he didn't tell Jim that! Nice!
14 During the invasion of Shanghai, in the crowd scene, what does Jamie drop?
Answer:His toy Japanese airplane

He lets go of his mother's hand! Jamie, go home. Little does he know that he will not see his parents for a very long time.
15 What does Jim get to do if he sets the traps successfully?
Answer:He gets to move into the American dorm.

Jim is covered with mud, walks into the dorm and gets saluted by all the Americans.
16 What does Jamie ask the Chinese servant to give him to eat at bedtime?
Answer:Butter biscuits

"Miss Graham not want you to eat before bed." I never trusted that servant. I don't think Jamie liked her either.
17 Why doesn't Jim stay very long at the American dorm?
Answer:Jim is supposed to watch Basie's stuff but when he visits Basie at the infirmary eveything is stolen.Jim leaves before he gets kicked out.

这是一个寒冷,cruel world for Jim.
18 In order of one, two, three, what costumes are Jamie, his mother and father wearing at the Lockwood's costume party?
Answer:sultan, clown, pirate

Mr. Lockwood still has his Santa Claus costume on or over his shoulder when he sees Jamie at the first internment camp.
19 When one of the Americans bets against Jim and says, "That's a dead boy Basie. My harmonica and my next meal against your wristwatch." What does Basie reply?
Answer:You're on, my friend.

Basie has so much confidence in Jim. Even when the sergeant is walking right by him in the mud.
20 After Jim runs his errands and runs into the infirmary, what does the doctor have him do first?
Answer:He does chest compression on a female patient.

Jim trys so hard to bring the patient back, she looks at him, he gets all excited, but as the doctor said, "you pumped some blood into her brain, but only for a moment."
21 Why did Jamie resign from the scouts?
Answer:He has become an atheist.

杰米问妈妈关于上帝and she claims, I don't know about God.
22 When the Americans bomb the airfield, where does Jim go?
Answer:He goes to the top of a building at the camp and waves.

Talk about excited! It's great when the one American pilot waves to him.
23 What prominent movie poster does Jamie walk by in Shanghai?
Answer:去ne With the Wind

Such a contrast to see this gigantic movie billboard of "Gone With the Wind" and all that it represents, set against the chaos going on in Shanghai as it plays out in another epic film.
24 Who plays Mrs. Victor?
Answer:Miranda Richardson

She was slowly dying and not really capable mentally of ever dealing with the conditions at the camp or her feeling for Jim.
25 When Jamie goes home and sees his parents' room all disturbed with powder on the floor and their footprints in it, what does he do?
Answer:He opens the window and blows the footprints away.

How frightening this must have been. He looks around with such a range of expressions crossing his face as he quickly realizes that they must have been taken away.