Trivia Questions and Answers

63 Rush Hour Trivia Questions & Answers

Rush Hour
This category is for trivia questions and answers related toRush Hour, as asked by users of

There are 63 questions on this topic. Last updatedJan 17 2023.
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1 The movie is set in Los Angeles, which means Officer Carter represents the LAPD. Who plays Detective James Carter in "Rush Hour"?
Answer:Chris Tucker

Chris Tucker became famous due to the "Rush Hour" franchise. Actually, he has produced few films in comparison to other actors of his same fame level. He also played the role of Smokey in the movie "Friday". In addition, he has appeared in films such as "Money Talks", "The Fifth Element", and "Silver Linings Playbook".

Jackie Chan costarred the movie with him as Detective Inspector Lee. Billy Devlin also appeared in the movie as an FBI agent.
trivia question 简单的问题
Carter and Lee discuss their fathers at one point of the movie. What was the profession of both of their dads?

2 What was the name of the guy of whom Lee asked where Juntao was in the beginning of the movie on a boat?

Lee was asking Sang where Juntao was, and Sang said, "Juntao is everywhere". When Lee pointed a gun at Sang, he said, "Shoot me", then Sang pushed a guy in front of Lee and escaped. Sang wore a black suit that night, but throughout the movie, he wore a police uniform and a white suit too. He was one of the main villains in the movie, and worked for Juntao.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
3 What country did we find Lee and Carter in at the beginning of the movie?

Our heroes had picked up where they left off in "Rush Hour" when Carter joined Lee on the plane to China for a vacation. When we first saw them Carter was really irritated with Lee for having dragged him around on all his cases. Lee and Carter were in a gangster bar where Carter and Lee got into trouble when Carter opened his big mouth and tried to speak Chinese. It all ended in a chase between Lee and Carter and the bad guys. Of course the bad guys got away and Lee and Carter were hung from a bamboo pole in midair, pretty far up. This was a really funny opening.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
4 At the beginning of the movie, what body part was blown off the police officer when the car blew up?
Answer:pinky finger

You found this out when Carter (Tucker) was hauled into his Captain's office because he shot at a car which had C- 4 explosives in the trunk. In effect the car blew up, which took out about half the block and the arresting officer's pinky finger with it.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
5 Why did Lee think Carter was dead?
Answer:The girl blew up his office

The bad guy, or should I say girl, blew up Lee's office and he thought that Carter was in it, but Carter was exploring Hong Kong.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
6 In what city do Carter and Lee run around naked?
Answer:Hong Kong

They were at a spa and got jumped. Then they were kicked out of a car without any clothes on.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
7 What was Chris Tucker's character's name?
Answer:Detective Carter

QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
8 "Rush Hour" follows the story of the daughter of a Chinese consul who has been kidnapped. When Detective Inspector Lee is called to help solve the case by Consul Han, the FBI wants Lee away from the investigation. Why is this?
Answer:To avoid negative attention should Lee get injured or die

The FBI understands that if anything happened to Lee, it would be their responsibility and the attention and pressure from the media would've been huge, which is why Carter must keep Lee away from the embassy.
9 What did Lee give to Soo Yung after she talked about how he wasn't going to America with them?
Answer:A Necklace

Lee responded to her saying, "Practice your kicks and eye gouges, and it will do you well". Then, he gave her a green necklace with writing on it. He then said, "America is a very, very good place." This was when they were still in China in the beginning of the movie. This led to Soo Yung's capture.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
10 Finish the Quote: Lee: "You are a civilian. In Hong Kong, I am Michael Jackson and you are Toto." James Carter: "You mean Tito! Toto is what we_______." What was Toto?
Answer:"ate for dinner last night"

This was the conversation that Lee and Carter had after Carter tried to take the lead on one of Lee's cases. Lee had gotten really annoyed because Hong Kong was his town and he knew it better, and because this was what Carter had said when they were in the States.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
11 What was the name of the main villain?

While Juntao was mentioned a lot, he was a ghost of a villain. It wasn't revealed until the end of the movie who he really was. It was said at the beginning that he was a big Chinese artifact smuggler until Chief Inspector Lee (Jackie) busted up his smuggling ring. None of the other people in the answer options were even in the movie.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
12 Who were Lee and Carter looking for when they went to the massage parlor?
Answer:Ricky Tan

他们去to a salon and come across the bad guys, of course they start to fight them. Later the bad guys, who were Ricky Tan's men, make them run through Hong Kong naked.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
13 Why did Lee think Carter was dead?
Answer:Lee's office was blown up

QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
14 What was Jackie Chan's character's name?

Chief Inspector Lee.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
15 When Lee gets off the plane, Carter asks, "Do you speak any English?" What does Carter say next?
Answer:"Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?"

For me, this is one of the funniest parts of the movie. I burst in laughter the first time I saw it! Carter, obviously not happy with the task he has been assigned, frowns at Lee and as he gets off the plane, Carter shouts, "Do you speak any English? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH?" Lee remains silent until scenes later, when he reveals he actually does speak English.
16 What happened directly after Lee told Soo Yung that America is a good place?
Answer:Carter was driving poorly and yelling at everyone.

Directly after the ending scene picture of Lee smiling, Carter was driving poorly and yelling at everyone. He was headed to a diner to meet Clive, but he was really going to arrest him. Clive sold bombs to people, and that night, he had C4. This was the first scene in America, which led to Clive's arrest.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
17 According to Carter, how many inches taller is Snoopy than Lee?
Answer:6 Inches

When they meet the Secret Service lady, they see she has a tatoo of Snoopy on her hip. Carter thinks that Lee has no chance with her, but Lee says that women think he is cute like Snoopy, Then Carter says Snoopy is six inches taller than Lee.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
18 Why did Carter buy the chicken?
Answer:Because the saleswoman was going to kill it

The saleslady had a big knife and was about to chop the chicken's head off.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
19 Chris Tucker's cousin had on a red pin-striped suit. Who bought it for him?
Answer:Chris Tucker's mama

Remember when Chris Tucker grabbed his cousin by the collar and asked him about the little girl, he told Chris: 'Get yo' hands off my suit, yo' mama bought me this suit!'
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
20 When Carter and Lee leave the airport and go on a "tour" through LA in order to keep Lee away from the embassy, they start listening to music. As Lee changes the station, Carter stares at him and says, "Don't you ever touch a ______ man's radio, boy!" Which word completes the sentence?

Carter, who is of dark skin color, looks at Lee, who is singing a song from the Beach Boys, and yells at him. Carter then starts listening to rap music.
21 Where did Carter claim to have said to meet Clive?
Answer:Back of the diner

When Carter drove into the diner parking lot and walked out, Clive and Carter had a short argument about who was late and where they were supposed to meet. Carter said Clive was late, and he said to meet in the back of the diner. Clive said Carter was late, and he was waiting in the diner for over an hour. This was right before Clive was arrested.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
22 Lee: "That's __________." James Carter: "That's __________? Man, that's a midget in a bathrobe!" Fill in the blank.
Answer:Ricky Tan

这是当他们看到瑞奇Tan说马萨ge parlor, Heaven on Earth. Lee didn't tell Carter that they were there to check on him, even though Carter knew about Ricky Tan, after their run in with his goons at the karaoke bar. Carter thought it was the funniest thing in the world that people were actually afraid of Ricky. Carter went up to Ricky and smashed up his laptop, after asking him to come with him and he'd refused. When Carter looked up from smashing Ricky's laptop he saw that the entire room full of people was standing up and looking at him. All those people in that room worked for Ricky Tan and there were a lot of people. Carter and Lee got into a huge fight with all those people, when they thought they'd won, a door opened and more people came in. Lee and Carter were stripped and thrown out of a car on a highway. Completely naked, the two of them ran all the way back to police headquarters.
QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
23 What was the name of the cruise ship?
Answer:The Red Dragon

QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour 2 .
24 What did Chris Tucker buy Jackie Chan at the corner store?
Answer:A burrito

QuestionReference:Quiz: Rush Hour .
25 Lee manages to enter the Consul's house. When they're inside, they receive a call from the kidnappers, who ask for $50 million dollars. Which man is on the phone?

Sang can be seen everywhere during the movie as the bad guy. He is the man who shoots both of the Consul's daughter's bodyguards.

Carter stupidly negotiates the release for $50 million dollars.