Trivia Questions and Answers
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110 Absolutely Fabulous Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts

How much do you know aboutAbsolutely Fabulous? This category is for trivia questions and answers related toAbsolutely Fabulous (Television). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
1 What was the name of the injection Patsy used on herself and later on Eddie to make her face paralysed?

Patsy used Parralox on herself and later on a drunk Eddie but used too much and left Eddie completely paralysed from the shoulders up.
Patsy also tested the drug out on Saffron's hand prior to using it on herself.
FromQuiz: Absolutely Fabulous - A Life
2 The first episode in the second season is called "Hospital" where Patsy and Eddie check into a private hospital to deal with a couple of complaints. What is Patsy's complaint?
Answer:Plastic surgery

Patsy has been involved in a sex scandal with a married Tory MP and she's been bombarded by the media with requests for interviews. To prepare for the photographer from a magazine, she books herself in for some surgery to try and look 39 years old again. Eddie is the one who has an acupuncture needle wedged in her foot, but she has only ever had cranial acupuncture.
FromQuiz: A Stolly Bolly
3 In the first episode called "Fashion", Eddie calls Shikani to channel her a colour for the day. What colour is channeled?

Eddie is having numerous crises about the fashion show that she is putting on. Just before she leaves the house, she gets Shikani to channel her a colour for the day. Saffy finds it highly amusing until Eddie points out that it is related to who she was in a previous life.
FromQuiz: Sweetie Darling
4 Edina adopts babies from what country in the episode "Iso Tank?"

She adopts them after threatening to do so if Saffy does not allow her to attend the DNA presentation.
FromQuiz: An "Absolutely Fabulous" Quiz
5 What is the name of Edina's accountant who tells her that her ex-husbands have stopped alimony payments in 'Poor'?

The girls blame Malcolm for their predicament rather than their frivolous spending.
FromQuiz: 'Absolutely Fabulous': More Gorgeous Things
6 After the fashion show, whom does Patsy tell Eddy has "done their best"?
Answer:Betty Boo and Danni Minogue

Betty Boo was a flash in the pan from the early 1990s; she was most popular in England before a much-talked about incident during a "live" concert when she was discovered to be lip-synching. Danni is Kylie's younger sister.
FromQuiz: "Fashion" - Part 2
7 What does Saffron shout to Eddy once her alarm is finally shut off?
Answer:"Thank you!"

Her alarm is blasting bad late 80s/early 90s techno.
FromQuiz: "Fashion" - Part 1
8 What profession is Edina's ex-husband Justin in?

You never see the store but it is often referred to.
FromQuiz: 'Absolutely Fabulous': No. 2
9 Edina Monsoon owns a top PR firm. Well, according to her she does. Who has NOT been one of her unfortunate clients at one time or another?
Answer:Naomi Campbell

Naomi Campbell appeared in the episode entitled 'Jealous' as an award presenter, but was never represented by Edina.
10 Who said the following? "I never knew my father - my mother only knew him fairly briefly."

Patsy said this in the episode "Magazine". Her bohemian mother went through men like sand through a sieve. Pats had many siblings born to her mother by many different men.
FromQuiz: The "Absolutely Fabulous" Life of Edina & Patsy
11 When Edina turned 40, what gift did her ex-husband's new wife give her?
Answer:Her book on ancient oils.

当埃迪娜发现她的总统ent was a book on ancient oils, she threw it into a corner.
FromQuiz: 'AbFab' Trivia
12 When Saffy came back from Africa which of the following of these was she?
Answer:All of these

When Saffy came back from Africa she was pregnant by a man called John whom she was also in a relationship with.
    Your options:[In a relationship] [Pregnant] [All of these] [More tanned (up to the elbow)]
FromQuiz: Absolutely Fabulous - A Life
13 What, according to Saffy's friend Sarah, is everyone drinking in the Halls of Residence at university?
Answer:Low alcohol cider

Sarah is Saffy's best friends and they're talking about what student life is like in the episode "Hospital". Eddie is similarly in the room pouring scorn on to everything Sarah has to say. Although Saffy wants absolutely no part of her mother's lifestyle, she does take some cans of low alcohol cider to a party. Eddie finds them in her bag and Saffy pleads with her not to be happy.
FromQuiz: A Stolly Bolly
14 In the episode "Fat", we learn what Eddie's nickname was during the sixties. What was it?
Answer:The Shredder

Penny Casper, also known as "The Stick" was coming to visit Eddie to try and sell her some things for her shop. Patsy revealed that Eddie was known as the Shredder because she would eat great quantities of tissue. Malcolm added that she could go through whole toilet rolls.
FromQuiz: Sweetie Darling
15 The 5 lead actresses' names all start with what letter?

Jennifer Saunders (Edina), Joanna Lumley (Patsy), Julia Sawahla (Saffy), Jane Horrocks (Bubble), and June Whitfield (Gran).
FromQuiz: An "Absolutely Fabulous" Quiz
16 Who is Edina's arch-rival in the PR game?
Answer:Claudia Bing

Claudia Bing runs Bing, Bing, Bing and Bing PR.
FromQuiz: 'Absolutely Fabulous': More Gorgeous Things
17 After the fashion show, Patsy and Eddy are lounging with two male models (one white, one black). Eddy asks Patsy if they are going to keep those two models for the after-party, what is Patsy's reply?
Answer:"I thought we'd get two different ones for the party."

Eddy always gets giddy around men, although her taste is "famously bad" according to Patsy.
FromQuiz: "Fashion" - Part 2
18 How long has Eddy's car been waiting outside when Eddy wakes up?
Answer:One hour

She gets rid of it (temporarily) in a future episode, and downsizes to an even more expensive sports car.
FromQuiz: "Fashion" - Part 1
19 What nudie magazine did Patsy appear in in the early seventies?

In the episode 'Sex' the girls find a copy of the magazine in Serge's room, though thankfully not the month of Patsy's issue.
FromQuiz: 'Absolutely Fabulous': No. 2
20 Edina and Patsy have driven around London in all of the following vehicles over the years EXCEPT which?

When the show started Edina had a chauffeur-driven Jaguar. She was banned from driving for life after breaking several laws while driving an Alfa Romeo. A chauffeur-driven Jeep Cherokee was her mode of transport in The Last Shout special.
    Your options:[Mercedes] [Alfa Romeo] [Jaguar] [Jeep Cherokee]
21 Who said the following? "All my friends are gay darling. ALL MY FRIENDS ARE GAY!"

From the episode "Magazine". This is also the same episode where Eddy has the little sex talk with Saffy... unforgettable!
FromQuiz: The "Absolutely Fabulous" Life of Edina & Patsy
22 When Patsy is invited to go on a live television show to discuss fashion, how does she behave?
Answer:She has stage fright.

Patsy was so paralyzed by stage fright that all she could say in response to the interviewer was 'Cheers, thanks a lot.'
FromQuiz: 'AbFab' Trivia
23 What was Patsy doing when she cracked her ankle?
Answer:Putting it into Jimmy Choo

Patsy also broke her wrist by "chico chico chooing" (in Eddie's own words) on Eddie's back. She was later diagnosed with osteoporosis which she was rather proud of.
FromQuiz: Absolutely Fabulous - A Life
24 The episode titled "Funeral" has Eddie's father dying and deals with mortality and legacy. As the episode opens, we see Eddie is trying yet again to lose some weight. This time she is trying a mud wrap. Gran mistakes her attire for a creation by which punk fashion designer?
Answer:Vivienne Westwood

Eddie is ultimately unsuccessful in her attempt to lose twelve inches from her body - her pores absorb all the mud from the wrap. She bemoans her skin's new ability.
FromQuiz: A Stolly Bolly
25 Which British TV series started the idea for the show with the sketch "Modern Mother and Daughter?"
Answer:French & Saunders

The original sketch starred Jennifer Saunders as the mother and Dawn French as her daughter.
    Your options:[Monty Python's Flying Circus] [The Vicar of Dibley] [Coupling] [French & Saunders]
FromQuiz: An "Absolutely Fabulous" Quiz
26 What famous British actress steals all the clothes during a shopping consult with Patsy in "Panickin'"?
Answer:Minnie Driver

Minnie Driver has also played Karen Walker's arch-rival on America's 'Will and Grace'.
FromQuiz: 'Absolutely Fabulous': More Gorgeous Things
27 Patsy mentions to Eddy that she was with a man the night before. Where did she pick him up?
Answer:At the traffic lights

In contrast to Edina, Patsy is always with some good looking male bimbo, though she never has a man last more than one episode.
FromQuiz: "Fashion" - Part 2
28 What does Eddy say to Saffron to explain the heaps of empty booze bottles?
Answer:"Boy, old Pats can put it away!"

Eddy has told Saffy that she's quit drinking...
FromQuiz: "Fashion" - Part 1
29 What is Patsy's sister's name?

Jackie was a high society hooker when she was younger.
FromQuiz: 'Absolutely Fabulous': No. 2
30 In the episode 'New Best Friend', Bubble is headhunted as editor for a fashion magazine. Which is it?

As clueless as Bubble is, she was soon back working for Edina.
    Your options:[Vogue] [Elle] [Mademoiselle] [Cosmopolitan]
31 Finish this zippy one-liner from "Menopause": "Hi, I'm Patsy Stone, and I hope you're wearing..."
Answer:thick pants

This is one of the funniest episodes! Saffy had arranged for Menopause Anonymous group to meet with Eddy and Pats, and hilarity ensued after Edina insisted that the menopausal women sit on garbage bags in her living room. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe!
    Your options:[nicotine patches] [thick pants] [no panties] [香奈儿时装]
FromQuiz: The "Absolutely Fabulous" Life of Edina & Patsy
32 When Edina goes to the office with Patsy in the car, where do they always go first?
Answer:Harvey Nick's

Edina and Patsy sometimes spend hours shopping and lunching at Harvey Nick's before Edina finally makes it to the office.
FromQuiz: 'AbFab' Trivia
33 What did Eddie find for the first time in the episode "Donkey"?
Answer:A muscle

Eddie was shocked to find a muscle in her arm!
FromQuiz: Absolutely Fabulous - A Life
34 "France" sees Eddie and Patsy go to France for a short break. Before she leaves, Eddie orders Bubble to cancel a large number of appointments. Which one appointment did Eddie ask Bubble to reschedule?

在联赛的最令人难忘的演讲之一s, Eddie asks Bubble to remember one thing - "Cancel my aromatherapy, my psychotherapy and reflexology, my osteopath, my homeopath and my naturopath, my crystal reading, my shiatsu, my organic hairdresser... and see if I can be rebirthed next Tuesday afternoon."
    Your options:[Shiatsu] [Organic Hairdresser] [Rebirthing] [Osteopath]
FromQuiz: Sweetie Darling
35 In which episode do we finally see Patsy eat solid food?
Answer:"Happy New Year"

Patsy eats some crisps, the first food she's eaten since 1973.
    Your options:["Fat"] ["Birthday"] ["France"] ["Happy New Year"]
FromQuiz: An "Absolutely Fabulous" Quiz
36 What is Patsy and Edina's favorite band from the sixties?
Answer:The Rolling Stones

Patsy always says how fabulous a free Stones concert in Hyde Park would be.
FromQuiz: 'Absolutely Fabulous': More Gorgeous Things
37 Patsy asks Edina how long she has had Saffy for, what is Edina's reply?
Answer:"16 years."

Saffy is apparently 16 at the start of the series, she looks older. Also, this episode is the thinnest we ever see her.
FromQuiz: "Fashion" - Part 2
38 "I'm chanting as we speak, ____________."
Answer:"Bye-bye darling."

I have the sound clip on my computer at work. Whenever I get an e-mail, we all hear "I'm chanting as we speak, bye-bye darling." Eddy often refers to the fact that she is a Buddhist, and will start chanting spontaneously.
    Your options:["Bye-bye darling."] ["AS WE SPEAK!!!"] ["Green? Thanks."] ["Bubble!"]
FromQuiz: "Fashion" - Part 1
39 Who is Bubble's cousin?

Katy Grin becomes Edina's partner in her television company for a short time.
FromQuiz: 'Absolutely Fabulous': No. 2
40 Edina pretends she is a Buddhist. In the episode 'Death', what does she proclaim she wants done with her body after she dies?
Answer:Lain on a rock in the Ganges

She tells Saffy that she wants to be lain out on a rock in the middle of the Ganges and be pecked by birds.
The rest of the questions and answers can be found in our quizzes here:
Absolutely Fabulous Quizzes
