Male Names in Songs Quizzes, Trivia and Puzzles
Male Names in Songs Quizzes, Trivia

Male Names in Songs Trivia Quizzes

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43quizzes and465trivia questions.
Easy A popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
A name by any other letter is not an "A" name. All these songs are missing their "A" names, see if you can find their match.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jul 09 20
pollucci19gold member
Jul 09 20
2060 plays
FFFFade Away top quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
These "F" names have disappeared from my song titles. Dispersed, vanished, evanesced... Please match the male name with the song it belongs to and make it full again.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jun 19 17
Very Easy
pollucci19gold member
Jun 19 17
1162 plays
It's a Party at Sea popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
I meant at "C", a party at "C". The following songs have lost the male names that start with "C". See if you can match them up again.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, May 21 17
pollucci19gold member
May 21 17
1054 plays
Hello, music lovers. Please take this quiz on some popular songs from 1958 to 1973 which contain male names in the titles. Have some fun!
Average, 10 Qns, mrgrouchy, Sep 07 10
4471 plays
Bee Boppers great trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
The following set of songs all have men who start with the letter "B" in the title. I'm curious to see how much you know about them.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Nov 12 18
pollucci19gold member
Nov 12 18
1647 plays
Jumping Jays top quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
Jumpin' Jehoshaphat, my "J" names have jumped and jived away from their song titles. Please match the names to songs that miss them the best.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jun 30 17
Very Easy
pollucci19gold member
Jun 30 17
725 plays
The male names all scatter and run away. These are the letters left that couldn't provide enough for a full quiz. Match the names to their correct song titles & listen to them pipe up again.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Dec 26 17
Very Easy
pollucci19gold member
Dec 26 17
692 plays
Ess-capees great trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
Sound the alarm! There's been a breakout and all the "S" male names have escaped from these song titles. We need your help to round them up and match them to their cells again.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Nov 16 17
pollucci19gold member
Nov 16 17
701 plays
Teed Off great trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
他们恼火的,他们已经起飞了。Unfortunately, they took all the male "T" names from these songs with them. Turn them around and take them back to the songs that they belong to. Best of luck.
Very Easy, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Nov 28 17
Very Easy
pollucci19gold member
Nov 28 17
796 plays
Sing Me the Name of a Boy top quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
Lots of song titles contain girls' and boys' names, so for this quiz can you "Sing Me the Name of a Boy?" Good luck.
Easier, 10 Qns, wenray, Nov 30 17
Nov 30 17
1667 plays
trivia question 简单的问题
How can you write Robert Zimmerman's name to complete the title of this Syd Barrett song "Bob ____ Blues"?

From Quiz "Bee Boppers"

Rolling the Rs. great trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
We rolled the Rs once. We rolled them again and then they rolled away with "R" male names. Please match the correct name to its song so that they're rock solid again.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Nov 13 17
pollucci19gold member
Nov 13 17
678 plays
Dee-Serters popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
Who let the Dee's out? Here's a set of songs that have lost their male names, all starting with "D". See if you can (un)disconnect them.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, May 26 17
pollucci19gold member
May 26 17
781 plays
Unappeased great trivia quiz - 15 questions- 3 mins
Purloined, pinched or pilfered, whatever, the P's are gone from these songs. See if you can patch them together again.
Easier, 15 Qns, pollucci19, Nov 07 17
pollucci19gold member
Nov 07 17
620 plays
Good Lord! They've Veered Off. great trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
Vanished. The Vee names have vacated the vault and vamoosed. Your task is to match them to their correct song title to make them valid again. Best of luck.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Dec 08 17
pollucci19gold member
Dec 08 17
621 plays
Elves Have Left the Building popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
Sorry, sorry... the male ells, not elves, have left the building. They have also left the titles of these songs, can you please match them up again?
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jul 28 17
pollucci19gold member
Jul 28 17
651 plays
Enlisted... Not! popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
Nee, Nigh, No, Numb! Someone stole the "N" names from my songs. Please match the correct name to complete these entered song titles.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Nov 03 17
pollucci19gold member
Nov 03 17
619 plays
E's Gone Missing popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
E can't be found. E's name is no longer in the song. Find and match the missing male name that will complete these song titles.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jun 15 17
pollucci19gold member
Jun 15 17
1043 plays
Uh-Oh! - 10 questions- 3 mins
Oh No! The male "O" names have o-loped and opted out of these song titles. Your mission is to track down these out of bounders and match them to the songs to which they belong.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Nov 04 17
pollucci19gold member
Nov 04 17
622 plays
Blink to Me Only With Thine Eyes. great trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
Yeah right, blink once and they're gone. The male "I" names blinked once and then vanished from these song titles. Let's see if you can match them up again - and yes, that pun was intended.
Easier, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jun 27 17
pollucci19gold member
Jun 27 17
519 plays
MMMisfire popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
Misfired and now missing. The male "M" names have shot through from these song titles and we need your help to match them up again.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Sep 06 17
pollucci19gold member
Sep 06 17
713 plays
Gee, They're All Gone! great trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
Gee willikers, gee whiz, by gee... all the "G" names have let bygones be "G" gones from all of these songs. See if you can match them up for me.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jun 21 17
pollucci19gold member
Jun 21 17
585 plays
Wha... You're Drumming Them Out! popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
Too late, I've drummed them out. The "W" male names are now gone from these songs and if you want them whole again, you're going to have to match them up. Best of luck.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Dec 24 17
pollucci19gold member
Dec 24 17
482 plays
Can you identify the song and artist from these number one hits on the US Billboard Hot 100 from 1950s-1980s?
Easier, 10 Qns, zambesi, Nov 03 16
Nov 03 16
1081 plays
He Hotfoots Out of Here popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
Hot diggetty dog... those "H" male names have hoofed it out of here. I need you to herd them back in and match them to the songs that they belong to.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jun 23 17
pollucci19gold member
Jun 23 17
575 plays
I Wanna Be Your Joe popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
Heeey Joe, how you come to get your name in a song? Heeey Joe... The concept here is simple. You need to match the artist on the right with the great "Joe" song on the left. Best of luck.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jul 01 17
pollucci19gold member
Jul 01 17
403 plays
The Wrath of Kong - 10 questions- 4 mins
Old Kong is at it again. Hates men with "k" names and has ripped them out of these song titles. See if you can match these up again. Best of luck.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jul 18 17
pollucci19gold member
Jul 18 17
477 plays
The Boys Are Back In Town - 10 questions- 5 mins
Match the boy's name to the correct song. Artist and song title are given to help you.
Average, 10 Qns, 480154st, Apr 17 19
480154stgold member
Apr 17 19
256 plays
Song Titles Featuring Male Names top quiz - 10 questions- 5 mins
While many pop hits in the US were written about girls, some songs contained male names in their titles.
Tough, 10 Qns, shanteyman, Oct 31 11
591 plays
You Don't Know Jack top quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
Like a spring heel our man (or woman) jack keeps appearing in song. See if you can find him in this lot.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Jun 02 12
pollucci19gold member
568 plays
The Name That Follows is... great trivia quiz - 10 questions- 3 mins
This quiz will ask you to identify the apostle's names that appear in the following songs.
Average, 10 Qns, pollucci19, Aug 01 15
pollucci19gold member
438 plays
Some song titles contain a man's name. Here are a few examples. How many do you know?
Average, 10 Qns, i-a-n, May 05 16
May 05 16
788 plays
More Bills on the Billboard Charts popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
广告牌的历史图表是建立在ngs by or about guys, gals, and objects named "Bill." Here's another pile of Bills for you to sort through.
Average, 10 Qns, halekotsi, Feb 16 13
halekotsigold member
521 plays
Musical Men popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
All these guys are referenced in either the title or the lyrics, or both, in various popular songs. How many of these do you know?
Average, 10 Qns, elmo7, Mar 01 16
406 plays
Topping the "Bill"-Board Charts popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
This quiz tests your a-bill-ity to remember about the hits that put the "Bill" in the Billboard charts -- that is, songs that were recorded by or written about people or things called "Bill."
Average, 10 Qns, halekotsi, Feb 08 13
halekotsigold member
492 plays
Tom/Tommy But Not Dick Or Harry - 10 questions- 3 mins
在每一个问题,这首歌title or the artist includes "Tom" or "Tommy." How many can you recognize? [If your name is some version of "Dick" or "Harry," you can still play.]
Average, 10 Qns, lowtechmaster, Jan 06 17
Jan 06 17
354 plays
Jimmy, Johnny, Billy popular trivia quiz - 20 questions- 6 mins
All the music and musicians featured in this quiz are either by or about a Billy (or William), a Jimmy or a Johnny. It covers everything from homegrown UK Folk, to Opera, via Heavy Metal. See how many you can remember.
Tough, 20 Qns, rowena8482, Oct 27 10
732 plays
Jimmy, Johnny, Tommy popular trivia quiz - 15 questions- 5 mins
There have been a surprising number of songs over the years with Jimmies, Johnnies and Tommies in them - see how much you can remember about some of them in this quiz.
Tough, 15 Qns, rowena8482, May 28 11
1483 plays
Jimmy, Johnny, Bobby - 15 questions- 6 mins
The boys are back! How many of the artists and songs featuring Jimmies, Johnnies and Bobbies can you get?
Difficult, 15 Qns, Rowena8482, Oct 03 09
597 plays
Right Charlies popular trivia quiz - 10 questions- 4 mins
The name Charles or Charlie features in many songs, either in the lyrics or the name of the writer or performer. How many do you recognise?
Average, 10 Qns, miranda101, Mar 28 12
miranda101gold member
285 plays
Jimmy, Johnny, Ricky - 10 questions- 4 mins
For this fourth quiz in my "Jimmy, Johnny..." series, the boys are joined by a Ricky or Richard in the artists or song titles. How many can you get?
Average, 10 Qns, Rowena8482, Oct 03 09
378 plays
Lee, Leo, Leon or Leroy - 10 questions- 4 mins
Lee, Leo, Leon or Leroy - a musical quiz: This quiz is all about ME! Well, my namesakes and near-namesakes anyhow. A musical Lee, Leo, Leon, or Leroy will figure in every answer
Average, 10 Qns, LeeRoyBoy, Jun 11 22
Jun 11 22
719 plays
Male First Names In Titles - 20 questions- 5 mins
It's so simple. I give you the title. Do you know the artist?
Tough, 20 Qns, Vermic, Jan 27 22
Jan 27 22
3458 plays
Oldies Guys - 10 questions- 3 mins
Here's a quick tour of some guy songs from the oldies.
Average, 10 Qns, robert362, Oct 03 09
1670 plays
This is category 19496
Last Updated Jan 14 2023 5:51 AM
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