Quiz about Religion  Saints Martyrs and Heretics
Quiz about Religion  Saints Martyrs and Heretics

Religion - Saints, Martyrs and Heretics Quiz

Often originally considered heretics, over time these folk have been seen as saints and martyrs.

一个multiple-choice quizbyDavidUrquart. Estimated time: 4 mins.
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4 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Oct 02 22
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This quiz has 2 formats: you can play it as aor as shown below.
Scroll down to the bottom for the answer key.
1.At Christianity's beginning, a young man was considered a heretic and stoned. He was later recognized as the first Christian martyr and 'crowned' with that title. Who was this man? Hint

St John the Baptist
St Paul or Saul of Tarsus
St Stephen
St Peter or Simon Peter

2.Initially an avowed enemy of the sect known as the Way, following conversion this saint was considered a heretic and reprobate by his former associates, and viewed with distrust by the new followers. Yet he has become beloved by millions as the greatest Apostle to the Gentile world. Who is this saint? Hint

St. Luke the Physician
St. Matthew
Saul of Tarsus a.k.a. St Paul
St. John the Revelator

3.Although not named a saint, he was considered a heretic and was ex-communicated for his Theses meant to reform not destroy the unity of the church. Who is this priest that married a nun? Hint

Ulrich Zwingli
John Calvin
Martin Luther
John Hus

4.A female this time: Viewed as an heretic by the government in control and as a martyr and Saint by her countrymen, this wisp of a girl was further immortalized by G.B. Shaw in a play. Along with St Dennis, she is considered the patron saint of France. Who is she? Hint

Ste。Joan of Arc
Our Lady of Lourdes
Ste。Catharine of Aragonne

5.The warfare between Catholics and Protestants was brutal and without mercy, each side claiming God as their captain. These wars ranged throughout Europe for more than a hundred years. The list of atrocities is almost endless. The greatest number of these are accumulated in which book? Hint

Foxe's Book of Martyrs
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Bede's Book of Doomsday
Leo X's Book of Heresies

6.Sometimes, heresy is all in how one views the individual. An example is the issue of slavery. This individual was denounced as a rebel, terrorist and madman by his detractors and simultaneously hailed as a martyr by his fellow abolitionists. He was who? Hint

Nat Turner
John Brown
Abraham Lincoln

7.Those that follow my teachings consider me the founding father of our denomination. I was born in Vermont, I received a heavenly gift while in New York state. I led my followers to Cortland, Ohio and from there to Illinois, persecuted every step of the way. Others declared me a heretic and caused my death in Carthage near Nauvoo, Illinois. So I guess I fit two of these classes. What is my name? Hint

Jim Jones
William Booth
Garner Ted Armstrong

8.A modern day saint by most standards, this frail little woman has given Christians everywhere an exemplar of sacrifice for others. Such faith in action in the 20th century brings the New Testament Church's spirit of care one for the other into stark relief against the age of materialism. Caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless all without thought of earthly reward. Who is this woman? Hint

Lady Gaga
Princess Diana
Mother Teresa

9.好吧,我开始着手建立一个社区for those that society had turned their backs on, during the early 1960's. However, as power corrupts, absolute power led me to have my followers drink a poisoned drink mix in a mass 'suicide'. What was my name? Hint

Jim Jones
Ted Bundy
David Koresh
Simon bar Kochba

10.My actions earned me the derisive title of "the Wacko from Waco". It's humorous until you realize how many children died in my funeral pyre. What was my name? Hint

Leroy Jenkins
Jim Jones
David Koresh
Jim Bakker

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. At Christianity's beginning, a young man was considered a heretic and stoned. He was later recognized as the first Christian martyr and 'crowned' with that title. Who was this man?

Answer:St Stephen

Stephen, whose name means 'crowned,' was the first martyr for the Way as early Christianity was called. St Paul stood by approvingly at this act, and St Peter has been claimed as the founding father or first pope of the Catholic Church, both East and West. St John the Baptist was killed before the death and resurrection of the Messiah, Jesus the Christ.
2. Initially an avowed enemy of the sect known as the Way, following conversion this saint was considered a heretic and reprobate by his former associates, and viewed with distrust by the new followers. Yet he has become beloved by millions as the greatest Apostle to the Gentile world. Who is this saint?

Answer:Saul of Tarsus a.k.a. St Paul

Paul is creditted with the authorship of more of the recognized New Testament books than any other author. On numerous occasions, he was in danger of his life for his preaching of Jesus as the Christ. Saints Matthew, Luke and John are all accredited with the Gospels by their name. John the Revelator is the author of the last book of the New Testament, Revelation, as well as, traditionally, the Gospel bearing his name.
3. Although not named a saint, he was considered a heretic and was ex-communicated for his Theses meant to reform not destroy the unity of the church. Who is this priest that married a nun?

Answer:Martin Luther

Luther is recognized as the leader of the German Protestant Reformation which served to dash the unity of the Roman Catholic Church throughout Europe in the 1500s. John Calvin brought about the Presbyterian Church. Hus was a forerunner in his efforts to reform the church and was martyred for his beliefs. Zwingli was a leader of the Swiss Reformation. John Hus was a Czech theologian whose campaign for church reform predates that of Luther, and is considered by many to have been one of his inspirations.
4. A female this time: Viewed as an heretic by the government in control and as a martyr and Saint by her countrymen, this wisp of a girl was further immortalized by G.B. Shaw in a play. Along with St Dennis, she is considered the patron saint of France. Who is she?

Answer:Ste。Joan of Arc

Shaw's play "St. Joan" chronicles the trial and subsequent execution by the English of the Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc, in 1431. (Ste. is the feminization of St. in French. St. is used for both sexes in English.)
5. The warfare between Catholics and Protestants was brutal and without mercy, each side claiming God as their captain. These wars ranged throughout Europe for more than a hundred years. The list of atrocities is almost endless. The greatest number of these are accumulated in which book?

Answer:Foxe's Book of Martyrs

The Egyptian Book of the Dead tells of the afterlife and preservation of the body for the eternal judgement after 5,000 years. The Venerable Bede did not write the "Book of Doomsday", neither did Leo X compile a "Book of Heresies". "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" (1563) is both inspiring and fearful as to what man has suffered from, as well as inflicted on, man in the name of God.
6. Sometimes, heresy is all in how one views the individual. An example is the issue of slavery. This individual was denounced as a rebel, terrorist and madman by his detractors and simultaneously hailed as a martyr by his fellow abolitionists. He was who?

Answer:John Brown

Following his aborted revolution at Harpers' Ferry Arsenal in 1859, Brown was castigated throughout the South of the US and cloaked with the mantle of martyrdom in the Abolitionist North. Some could argue that he was the first casualty of the American Civil War. Nat Turner was a slave that led the most famous slave uprising whose efforts, while secretly applauded by abolitionists, was never acknowledged by them as right and proper.

A result of racism?
7. Those that follow my teachings consider me the founding father of our denomination. I was born in Vermont, I received a heavenly gift while in New York state. I led my followers to Cortland, Ohio and from there to Illinois, persecuted every step of the way. Others declared me a heretic and caused my death in Carthage near Nauvoo, Illinois. So I guess I fit two of these classes. What is my name?


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, known as Mormons, was founded in New York by Joseph Smith. They were persecuted in New York and Ohio and continued to move west where they hoped to find a place they could live in peace. Illinois proved not to be such a place when Smith was pulled from jail and lynched in 1844. Under the leadership of Brigham Young, they moved to Utah and found a home.
8. A modern day saint by most standards, this frail little woman has given Christians everywhere an exemplar of sacrifice for others. Such faith in action in the 20th century brings the New Testament Church's spirit of care one for the other into stark relief against the age of materialism. Caring for the sick, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless all without thought of earthly reward. Who is this woman?

Answer:Mother Teresa

From the hovels of India where she spent her adult life ministering to others without fanfare or recognition, she was acknowledged by Pope John Paul II as more Christ-like than he himself. Denying herself even the comfort of shoes so that others might be shod, Mother Teresa truly became recognized as the Spirit of the Christ personified.
9. Well intended, I set out to establish a community for those that society had turned their backs on, during the early 1960's. However, as power corrupts, absolute power led me to have my followers drink a poisoned drink mix in a mass 'suicide'. What was my name?

Answer:Jim Jones

The Massacre at Jonestown rocked the nation when it was discovered. That so many would follow their leader even unto their own deaths and that of their children boggles the mind. It was all within the so-called enlightened 1970's: a meteoric rise and calamitous fall.
10. My actions earned me the derisive title of "the Wacko from Waco". It's humorous until you realize how many children died in my funeral pyre. What was my name?

Answer:David Koresh

From a disastrous ATF raid to a siege of the compound to the fiery conclusion seen on national TV in 1993, the Waco compound of the Branch Davidians remains a blot on the American conscious in how it was handled as well as the results. Some blame the near end of the twentieth century for the rise of such "Doomsday" cults, but a careful examination will show a trail of such events regardless of the year or country.
Source: AuthorDavidUrquart

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